ASRS-5: ADHD Screening Test

Learn about the ASRS-5 and how to interpret your results.

What is the ASRS-5?

The ASRS-5 was designed to quickly screen for ADHD. It is a shorter, more accurate version of the ASRS V1.1. For example, if a clinician suspects that you might have ADHD, they could give you the ASRS-5 to help them decide whether to refer you for an ADHD assessment.

How do I interpret my score?

  • 14+ = possible ADHD
  • A score of 14+ indicates that it could be a good idea to pursue an ADHD assessment.
  • In one study, 67.3% of people without an ADHD who scored 14+ on the ASRS-5 went on to recieve an ADHD diagnosis after a professional assessment.
  • 32.7% of individuals who scored over 14 did not have ADHD when assessed by a professional. These individuals may have been diagnosed with another disorder with similar symptoms like depression instead.
  • 13- = unlikely to have ADHD
  • A score of 13- means that you did not answer questions in the same way that most people with diagnosed ADHD did.
  • If you are experiencing bothersome symptoms, this could mean that you have a different condition with similar symptoms to ADHD like depression.
  • It could also be that your result was in error - a clinician may still diagnose you with ADHD if you sought an assessment. Here are a few reasons your result could be in error:
  • Most ADHD research has been conducted in diverse groups. It may not be as accurate for all people, especially members of minority groups.
  • Sometimes people don’t ‘see themselves accurately’. For example, you might not realise that you often finish other people’s sentences even though you do. Your answers would then have been inaccurate and result in an inaccurate score.
  • You could have a complex clinical picture, especially if you have or could have more than one mental health condition.


Ustun B, Adler LA, Rudin C, et al. The World Health Organization Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Self-Report Screening Scale for DSM-5. JAMA Psychiatry. 2017;74(5):520–526. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2017.0298