Hi, everyone, it's Steve here again for the third CBT course for managing ADHD symptoms. I hope you found the two previous helpful and informative, and that you're implementing strategies and hopefully that's having a positive impact on your functioning and day to day life. So this third course is a little bit more of a mixed bag. I've tried to incorporate a number of subjects that I haven't covered yet, some heavier material around trauma and dissociation, and also depression.But there's also plenty of useful information about auditory processing difficulties and impulsivity. I've tried to sort of layer it with an even spread of strategies but not too much so that you're doing too many at once and then you struggle to implement something new before you've moved on to the next thing. But like all of the audios, not just mine but other courses in the stimuli program, we recommend that you relisten to the audios and practice, practice, practice. Hope it helps, thanks.